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挠性管接头连接方式使系统具有柔性,允许钢管有一定量的角度偏差,相 对错位。钢管连接后,两钢管管端之间留有间隙可适应管道的膨胀、收缩。管 接头末端载荷的能力。末端负荷是指管接头槽口可承受沿钢管轴向负荷的能 力。
Flexible Couplings can enable the connection system to be flexible ,it allows the steel pipe has a certain angle deviation and relative deviation .There are some clearance between the ends of
two steel pipes in order to suit the expansion and shrinkage of the pipelines. The pipe couplings should maintain the normal working condition under the maximum allowable deflection and
dislocation .Flexible Couplings can endure a certain terminal load, which refers to the load along the pipe axis to be borne by coupling grooves.